Sunday, August 24, 2008

Steps On Botting Ragnarok Valkyrie Philippines

POSTED BY thelastname

If you dont want this thread to be locked, please follow the forum rules! Avoid posting your e-mail address and private servers url here. [u]Thank you


Note: Firstly, this guide is a simplified one of heero's guide(Credits still go to heero. We should appreciate his effort and thank to him). This one contains FAQ's that may also help.


Firstly, you have to download 2 files:

OpenKore 2.0.5 (SVN) -> Used for botting
Old Ragnarok Client(runro.bat) -> Used for Poseidon Server (optional)

Follow the steps below.

1. Download the OpenKore 2.0.5 (SVN)
2. Download the Old Ragnarok Client(runro.bat)
3. Extract the openkore_ready in a folder
3. Open the recvpacket.txt and server.txt in the table folder
4. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=33 Copy and paste what heero posted there to your recvpacket.txt and server.txt
5. Extract the in your RO folder
6. Run your Poseidon(wait to initialized)
7. Run the runro.bat(from the in your RO folder
8. Log in on the Poseidon server(put whatever you like in the username and pass. it doesnt matter, you will still be logged in)
9. Choose on the novice's and log it.
10. Do the Alt+tab
11. Now run your start.exe(make sure you already fixed the config. Includes changing the server setting.)

Follow the steps correctly and you will not get any problem. Missing even one step leads to failure of your BOT.


Help! i always got this Unknown error 10060! Am i doomed by LU?!
The error means "Failed to connect in the server" that we usually see when trying to log in manual. Just try and try until you die.

Help! why am i getting this Unknown packet 02AE in my BOT! Is this a BUG?!
No its not in fact, you are the one who is Well this problem occurs because your recvpacket.txt is not updated. Be sure to follow the guide in step#4 to avoid these problem.

Why am i getting DC every 5mins, 10mins and so on?!
You did not used the Poseidon correctly. Remember that initialize the Poseidon first then start the runro.bat

A Timeout in map server occurs always in my BOT. Why is it like that?!
It is because you did not use the latest valkyrie server setting. You can find it in the tables folder>server.txt

Can i still run multiple BOTS even using Poseidon?
Yes you can. But your BOTS performance will depend in your system
(As we all know, Poseidon really takes usage in our system).

Help! My poseidon or the runro.bat closes automatically
Your poseidon or the runro.bat closes automatically because you run too much BOT. Always remember that your poseidon requires really big cpu usage so if your system is not compatible with the BOTS you run, the poseidon just closes down automatically. Lemme say that they are the bridge between your system and your BOT. If the poseidon cannot handle anymore load of BOTS, it crashes. Now i wish you get it.

Unknown error 101 For an hour, more than 30 players having same ip address have connected to the game, pls check this matter.
The problem is in your ISP. Wait LU's move for this matter or try resetting your modem.

Out of sync with the server
Server lag. Both RO client and your BOT send packets. That error usually pops if the BOT can't handle the too much packets sent. My advice is try to light the configs you put in your BOT or limit it.

EDIT: No, the error happens because the server is congested. -kali

Always check heero's thread, first post for updates - ChaoticGood


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